website template image
website template image
Insert your caption here
website template image

Introducing Soho

Soho is a free business HTML template developed by code play studios. Offering a simple yet elegant look and well structured code, Soho is the perfect template to get a good looking site up and running in no time.


  • Based on the 960 grid system
  • Content slider on homepage
  • Cufón text replacement
  • Gallery using colorbox
  • Contact form

Browser Love

Works in all major browsers out there.
IE7/8, Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari.

website template image

Other files

Here is just a few other examples of what can be done with this template:

“Client testimonials can be placed here.” - client name

Sub Heading 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam semper ligula id quam scelerisque a hendrerit mauris vulputate. Praesent ultricies aliquet eros, id egestas tellus auctor id. Quisque aliquam varius mauris quis aliquet. Nulla facilisi. Ut laoreet, orci a feugiat bibendum, arcu risus adipiscing nisi, ornare faucibus ligula leo eget odio.

Sub Heading 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam semper ligula id quam scelerisque a hendrerit mauris vulputate. Praesent ultricies aliquet eros, id egestas tellus auctor id. Quisque aliquam varius mauris quis aliquet. Nulla facilisi. Ut laoreet, orci a feugiat bibendum, arcu risus adipiscing nisi, ornare faucibus ligula leo eget odio.

Copyright © Domain Name - All Rights Reserved | Design By Code Play Studios