Faramir says to Frodo in Ithilien, "For myself, I would see the White Tree in flower again in the courts of the Kings, and the Silver crown return, and Minas Tirith in peace: Minas Anor again as of old, full of light, high and fair," (TTT: 280)

About this Template

This template is a fixed-width style, XHTML strict template. This is another in a series of The Lord of the Rings free templates that I am releasing. This one's for lovers of the fair land of Ithilien, of Gondor and it's people, the story of The Lord of the Rings, and Tolkien. It can be used for a gaming portal or a fansite, or whatever you like. It is being released as public domain so enjoy!

Image Styles

website template imageA left-aligned example
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi tortor enim, molestie in, egestas vitae, venenatis id, neque.

website template imageA right-aligned example
Fusce purus turpis, laoreet sit amet, convallis ut, eleifend quis, massa. Nulla erat.

website template imageA centered example
Aenean gravida magna id diam. Donec sodales nunc id nibh. Phasellus nisl. Quisque augue ante, ornare sit amet, imperdiet vitae, fermentum et, felis. Nullam et orci. In congue gravida dui. Mauris at erat eu tortor interdum malesuada.
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List Styles

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  2. consectetuer adipiscing elit
  3. Morbi tortor enim, molestie in, egestas vitae, venenatis id, neque

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi tortor enim, molestie in, egestas vitae, venenatis id, neque. Fusce purus turpis, laoreet sit amet, convallis ut, eleifend quis, massa. Nulla erat. Aenean gravida magna id diam. Donec sodales nunc id nibh. Phasellus nisl.
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