Oracle Upgrades Search Engine:
Feb 5, 2007 09:03 PM
Oracle on Monday launched an upgrade of its standalone search engine, adding support for third-party identity management directories in order to tap into a company's existing security rules.
IBM CEO Palmisano To Get $1.8 Million Salary In 2007:
Feb 5, 2007 06:35 PM
International Business Machines Corp., whose stock rose 16 percent last year as it expanded in software, said Monday that Chief Executive Samuel Palmisano will be paid a $1.8 million salary in 2007 and stands to receive another $5 million in incentive pay, the same as last year.
Thanks for your interest in this template. This is our first open web template Design. This is a simple template with one header, a horizontal menu, and two content columns. It also has a text based shadow effect (which behaves undesirably for different text size) which provides some extra attraction to the logo. The right hand side column can be used to add favorite links, Google ads etc. We have tested this template in Firefox 1.5, Opera 8.5 and IE 6.0 and it works fine in all these browsers. This is a valid XHTML and CSS and it is also very easy to customize.
You can use this template with no restrictions; just leave the "Designed by" information as it is at the bottom. Good luck to your website.
Fresh Air template comes in six colors: two shades of green, two shades of purple, brown and blue. Each color, in turn, caters to two most prevelant screen resolutions: 1028x768 and 800x600. Link to various available css files to try each one before deciding which one to use.
All Designs are valid XHTML and CSS. All the templates are released under the Creative Commons License.
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IBM CEO Palmisano To Get $1.8 Million Salary In 2007:
International Business Machines Corp., whose stock rose 16 percent last year as it expanded in software, said Monday that Chief Executive Samuel Palmisano will be paid a $1.8 million salary in 2007 and stands to receive another $5 million in incentive pay, the same as last year.
Oracle Upgrades Search Engine:
Oracle on Monday launched an upgrade of its standalone search engine, adding support for third-party identity management directories in order to tap into a company's existing security rules.