Reality is an illusion caused by lack of alcohol


When reality is too distorted to handle

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website template image A word from within
Welcome to my third design 'reflections'. Due to a demanding job, I can't contribute to the community often, so this time I decided to make something substantially better than my previous works. I hope I have succeeded. As always, no credits are necessary for using this design. Use it, modify it, I'll bet you can make it look much better! If time permits, drop me a line at findshaibal[at]yahoo[dot]com, so I can take a look at how you've used my design.......
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I'm sure this design can adapt to various needs. A blog, a photo gallery, a business presence, or a personal page. Whatever your needs may be, a small amount of modifications will do the trick. You'll find ample comments throughout the markup to help you out, and the css is not rocket science either. I've tried to keep it as simple as possible.
 The Standards
This is an XHTML 1.0 Strict, tableless layout. All the fancy things are achieved with CSS. The page displays well with IE6 and Firefox, and maintains a fair amount of dignity when degrading to no css mode. The tabs up there were made with a wonderful little free tool called 'CSS tab designer'. All images are royalty fee stuff from SXC.
 Not to forget
The three columns is a small bonus, and the cental column has only a bottom border. The side columns will keep pushing down as you keep adding content. Just make sure that the cental column holds the least amount of data. And do get back to me when you're done playing with this design!