H1 - Your Yoga Site Title
H2 - Section Header
This is a free website template provided by First Page Fitness. By using this template you are agreeing to the following.
- You are not to charge for this design. The copyright belongs to First Page Fitness, and we are allowing you to use it for your own website only.
- You are not allowed to use this template to promote illegal activities, gambling, pharmaceuticals or pornography.
- You are not allowed to redistribute this template with any changes. You ARE allowed to redistribute the template freely, but these rules and all pages must stay the same. For instance, you are not allowed to add your own link to the pages and then redistribute the template. This is a violation of this terms of use agreement.
- You are not required to keep any of the links we have included as examples, although we do appreciate the footer link to the template to stay on this page so others can enjoy the free template as well.
- You may change the ad box in the right column using the template file, or you can replace it with your own banner, images, or whatever you like.
- This is just another example of a numbered list item.
H3 - Room for Another Section Header
This template was designed by people who understand the importance of search engine optimization, and is therefore search engine friendly. For instance, it uses CSS, clean code, H1,H2, H3 tags, has a footer sitemap, an html sitemap, a yoga sites page so you can add resources, etcetera. Don't forget to customize the titles and meta tags on each page!
H3 - How To Use This Free Yoga Website Template
This is your home page. It is called index.html. We have also created an inside page for your inside pages (insidepage.php), as well as a sitemap (sitemap.php), and a yoga sites page to add further resources for your readers. The main parts of the website are controlled through a dreamweaver template located in the /templates folder and titled main.dwt. Certain sections, such as the body content, are editable independent of the template simply be editing each page in Dreamweaver. These are called "editable regions". We chose to create the template like this to make it easy for those who are not experienced with PHP to make sitewide changes. For instance, if you change the title of a llink in the navigation from the main.dwt template and save the file in Dreamweaver it will change the navigation on the entire site to match. That's much easier than changing every page! However, certain things (i.e. meta tags, titles, content...) that need to be different on each page so we have created editable regions in the template that allow you to make each page unique.
H5 - Small header example
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu lectus non odio suscipit aliquam. Aenean sit amet purus ac lorem rutrum porta. Maecenas tempus enim at arcu. In ut ante eu lorem ullamcorper molestie. Sed semper egestas tortor. Proin imperdiet erat non leo. Proin aliquet. Proin fermentum odio ac orci. Vestibulum id nulla eu lorem viverra scelerisque. Sed non risus. Duis pellentesque pharetra urna. Sed luctus lacus mollis mauris dignissim rutrum.