Choice is a fully fluid, two or three column template. It also has twelve different possible color combinations. You can have a light or dark background, and then six different accent colors to choose from. Check 'em out:
I thought the muted colors went best with the light background and the bold with the dark, but I decided to just let you pic and choose. I've included an html file for every permutation, but you'll see the style structure is pretty simple. The background and accent colors are called by two different stylesheets. The "mainstyle" directory has the stylesheets for light and dark. The "color" directory containts six smaller stylesheets for the six accent colors. Mix and match away!
I release it into public domain but ask that you keep a link back to my site somewhere on your site. You can scroll down for styles including tags for tables, forms, blockquotes, and lists.
AUG 29 2007
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis laoreet velit eget sapien. Praesent ac lacus. Phasellus odio diam, ultrices non, scelerisque quis, scelerisque sit amet, ante. Duis ac metus vitae mauris tempus varius. Aliquam leo ipsum, posuere ut, tincidunt dictum, venenatis in, elit. Aliquam luctus erat sit amet lacus. Morbi nisl nibh, consequat quis, euismod quis, mattis ut, sem. Praesent sagittis, erat sed imperdiet interdum, tortor ante blandit augue, quis viverra justo mauris congue leo. Mauris vestibulum, tortor non consectetuer feugiat, ipsum neque molestie mi, et tristique odio erat sed elit. Nam mattis risus in purus. Donec mollis pretium urna. Mauris et libero.
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